Student Life
Student life at Louisville Classical Academy reflects the independent thinking of the young people who learn here. Everything from our extracurricular activities and elective offerings to the student body’s extensive level of engagement with the larger community is based on the interests or initiative of the students themselves. Despite the small size of the school—or perhaps because of it—LCA has an outstandingly well-balanced, creative, and active study body.
Student athletic and physical education programs sponsored by LCA include cross country and fencing. Informal sports and fitness occur daily, as LCA has recess and physical education for all grades. Students participate in tennis, soccer, basketball, field hockey, swimming, horseback riding, lacrosse, and more outside of school. Louisville Classical Academy’s cross country team competes at the local and state level.
Optional electives offered at LCA have included guitar, piano, and violin lessons, creative writing workshops, woodworking, drama, computer programming, yearbook, student newsletter, and studio art. Outside of school, students have participated in fine-arts programs through Walden Theatre, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Louisville Turners, Spot Five Art Studio, and the Louisville Ballet. LCA students are successful in academic competitions as well with outstanding results in the Scripps National Spelling Bee, the National Geographic Bee, the statewide Governor’s Cup and National Quiz Bowl competitions, and the National Junior Classical League.