Student's First Name
Student's Last Name
Date of Birth
Student Gender
Applying for Academic Year
2024-25 (transfer)
Applying for Grade Level
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Current school and grades attended
In some cases, we will wish to contact the applicant's former teacher for additional information. Please provide the name and email and/or phone number for your child's lead classroom teache or a teacher in a core subject (English, math, science, history).
Previous schools and grades attended
Names and ages of siblings
Comment on the extent to which your child reads for pleasure, and list some works of literature your child has read in the course of language arts study over the past year, noting any that were particular favorites.
Describe your child's experience of mathematics education, specifying if possible the textbook they have used over the past year.
Comment on the extent to which your child enjoys the study of history.
Describe your child's experience of science education, noting any science fair projects or science exploration undertaken for personal curiosity.
Foreign Languages
Note foreign languages studied in an academic setting, including the setting and the years of study, as well as any foreign languages spoken at home.
Arts, Drama, and Music
Describe your child’s education and experience of arts, drama, and music.
Incentives for Achievement
Describe the incentives for achievement to which your child is most responsive, such as grades, a personal sense of accomplishment, the regard of a teacher or peers, or extrinsic rewards.
Passions and Hobbies
Describe your child's passions, hobbies, and extracurricular pursuits, including sports, artistic endeavors, and clubs.
Learning Differences
Does the child have any learning differences or learning disabilities? Please describe and, if applicable, provide the results of professional evaluation. Have medications or other types of interventions been recommended? Would the school be permitted to consult with service providers in the effort to make a sound placement decision?
Medical Conditions
Does the child have any allergies, chronic physical ailments, or conditions that would limit his or her physical activities? If so, please describe.
Behavioral Challenges
Does the child have any social difficulties or behavioral challenges? Please describe and, if applicable, provide the results of professional evaluation. Have social difficulties or behavioral challenges resulted in disciplinary measures in the past? Have medications or other types of interventions been recommended? Would the school be permitted to consult with service providers in the effort to make a sound placement decision?
The LCA Difference
How did you first learn about LCA? Do you have friends or acquaintances associated with the school? What elements of the LCA curriculum, learning environment, and/or community are most attractive to you?
Aspirations and Goals
What virtues, attributes, and/or habits would you most like your child to develop?
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Household 1 Phone
Household 1 Email
Household 1 Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code