Date of birth
Student Gender
Applying for Academic Year
2024-25 (transfer)
Applying for Grade/Program
Fifth Grade
Fourth Grade
Third Grade
Second Grade
First Grade
Current school and grades attended
In some cases, we will wish to contact the applicant's former teacher for additional information. Please provide the name and email and/or phone number for your child's lead classroom teacher.
Previous schools and grades attended
Is this the student's primary place of residence?
Shared custody
Home Phone
Names and ages of siblings in this household
Parent/Guardian Name (Primary Contact)
In this space, please provide the name of the parent/guardian who will serve as the main contact during the admissions process.
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian Type
Email Address
Cell Phone
Occupation / Employer
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian Type
Legal Guardian
Email Address
Cell Phone
If there is a second household, please explain and provide contact information as appropriate.
Please comment on your child's interest and strength in reading. Does she or he read every day? Alone and/or with a parent? What are your child's favorite books?
What are your child's favorite organized activities? Please include sports, music, and other classes and programs.
What are your child's favorite ways to play? These can include imaginative make-believe, building, drawing and coloring, outside play, etc. Does your child prefer solitary or group play?
What delights your child? Please name three things.
Comment on your child's screen time. Does your child watch/play television, video and computer games, and hand-held games? How much time a day does your child spend in screen-based activities?
What would you say are your child's strengths?
In answering this question, please consider some or all of the following: Creativity, Inventiveness, Curiosity, Ability and willingness to work alone, Ability and willingness to work with others, Openness to new ideas and activities, Ability and willingness to share or take turns, Tolerance for frustration, Persistence
In what ways would you like to see your child grow next year?
Are there any aspects of your child's development where you have questions or concerns?
Does your child have any medical issues that the school should be aware of? Please include allergies and any conditions that would limit physical activity.
Does your child have any learning difference or learning disabilities? If yes, please describe and provide the results of professional evaluation, if applicable.
Does your child have any behavioral challenges or social difficulties? Please describe and, if applicable, provide the results of professional evaluation.
How did you first learn about LCA? Do you have friends or acquaintances associated with the school? What elements of the LCA curriculum, learning environment, and/or community are most attractive to you?